#dak amputee girl
jackcast2021 · 7 months
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Mature DAK amputee lady
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thedudereturns · 25 days
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acecontroversy · 28 days
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Beautiful double leg amputees!
I love cute girls with no legs! Stumps are beautiful!
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cutlerbaymistress03 · 4 months
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progressosalad · 5 months
Cute DAK amputee live
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amputeewomen · 10 months
Pretty quad amputee woman
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kkkest · 6 months
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How should she face her boyfriend. I wish there would be no war in the world.
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derwahreloco · 4 months
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wannabedhd · 1 year
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Me: "Hey Lisa! You finally did it?"
Lisa: "Yeah... my legs are gone. I found a surgeon and followed my dreams." 🔪🦶
Me: "But Lisa, you are legless now!"
Lisa: "Yes... finally. Every time I wake up in the morning I thank myself for doing it. I wake up, I look down and no feet is there. I look beside the beed, I see wheelchair. I know I can't move without it and when I sit on a wheelchair with stumps hanging down it is orgasmic for me. As you see I have no leg rest pads. I don't nees them as I have no prosthetics."
Me: "So you always use a wheenchair to move?"
Lisa: "Yes. As I have no prosthetics and I never stand on my stumps. Stumps became thin and weak but I love them to be like that. It is more attractive and also adds to my disability. I can either crawl or use wheelchair. My stumps don't hold my weight even though I lost 15 kilos with legs removed. I also lost a lot of muscle weight. It happens if you don't use your legs for more than 2 years."
Me: "What about sex life? Do you find yourself more attractive?"
Lisa: "Of course. It is hard to do anything because I am turned on always when I sit on a wheelchair. Leg stumps hanging down is orgasmic. As I avoid to use any leg muscles, stumps hang down like dead. We were good sex partners in the past, when we still had to pretend to be amputated lol. You should test the real amp 🤩. Today evening?"
Me: "Oh Lisa... of course. This is my dream come true. Touching your weak legs, rubbing the stumps... 😍 Can you do a stumpjob?"
Lisa: "Try me. I can do it, but I help to move my leg stumps with my arms, because legs get tired after few seconds. But definetely no more footjob for you. 😅"
Me: "No feet..." 😏
Lisa: "No feet..." 🥰
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jackcast2021 · 9 months
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thedudereturns · 5 months
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acecontroversy · 15 days
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Sexy wheelchair hottie that's paralyzed and legless!
Here we have a sexy incomplete quadriplegic with no legs!
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sobolevura · 9 months
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amputeewomen · 11 months
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Alena in the Snow (short story)
Once, during my high school years, I developed a crush on a girl named Alena. She was captivating in a way that seemed almost unattainable to me. We went to the same school, but she seemed to belong to a different world, one that I could only admire from a distance.
Years passed, and life took us on separate paths. Alena's parents lived not far from my place, a gentle reminder of a past affection, but with time, she became a distant memory, a flicker of teenage yearning that faded into the backdrop of my life.
However, fate has a peculiar way of reweaving old threads. When Alena was 23, she fell gravely ill. I only learned of her condition when it had escalated dramatically. She was hospitalized, battling a severe illness that resulted in the necrosis of her lower arms and both legs. The news struck me with a profound sadness, reviving emotions I thought were long gone.
Driven by a mix of concern and revived affection, I found myself at her bedside in the hospital. She was unconscious, unaware of my presence, but I stayed there, silently supporting her in her fight for life. It was during those quiet, somber moments that I realized the depth of my feelings for her.
Miraculously, Alena survived. I was there when she woke up, offering a familiar face amidst the disorientation and fear. In those vulnerable moments, our connection rekindled, growing stronger with each passing day.
As she recovered, I found the courage to confess my past crush to her. Her reaction was heartbreakingly self-deprecating. With teary eyes, she joked, "You surely wouldn't want to date someone like me now, disabled as I am." Her vulnerability was palpable, a mixture of humor and deep-seated insecurity.
Without a moment's hesitation, I assured her of my sincere feelings. "Alena, my affection for you goes beyond any condition. I would love to date you, no matter what." It was a moment of raw honesty, a declaration that transcended physical limitations.
From that day forward, our relationship blossomed. We fell in love, not in spite of our circumstances, but perhaps because of them. Our bond, forged in the crucible of adversity, grew into a deep, unconditional love. It was a love that celebrated not only what was present but also what was lost, and in doing so, found something truly beautiful. As Alena's recovery progressed, she was fitted with prosthetic arms and legs. This marked the beginning of a demanding, yet transformative rehabilitation journey. Throughout this period, our relationship flourished. We found strength in each other's presence, our bond deepening with each challenge we faced together.
We spent countless hours at the rehab center, where Alena demonstrated incredible resilience and determination. I marveled at her spirit; she tackled each exercise and therapy session with a fierce tenacity that inspired everyone around her. Despite the hurdles and frustrations inherent in adapting to her new prosthetics, Alena's progress was remarkable.
During this time, our relationship evolved from just dating to something much deeper. We found solace and joy in each other's company, and it wasn't long before we decided to move in together. It was a natural and exciting step forward in our journey as a couple.
Our first significant activity as cohabitants was decorating our home for Christmas. Alena, ever enthusiastic, dove into the task with her usual vigor. We spent hours hanging lights, setting up the tree, and placing decorations, transforming our living space into a festive haven. It was a heartwarming experience, filled with laughter and shared moments that I cherished deeply.
One evening, as we were putting the finishing touches on our outdoor decorations, a light snowfall began to blanket our surroundings in a soft, white layer. Excited by the picturesque scene, Alena stepped outside to admire our handiwork. However, still adapting to her prosthetics, she lost her balance on the slippery snow.
In an instant, I rushed to her side, but to my relief, she was already laughing, unharmed. The snow had cushioned her fall, and she lay there, smiling up at the falling flakes. I joined her on the ground, and there we were, lying in the snow, laughing together under the gentle glow of our Christmas lights. It was a moment of pure joy and love, a testament to our journey together, filled with challenges but also with laughter and unwavering support. Our love had not only endured but had become a source of strength and happiness in both our lives.
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stkildan · 21 days
I just had one of my first IRL DAK experiences. It was late at night, around 10 pm, and I was out on a run. I usually run through my area, which is pretty residential, and then end up on a straight stretch beside a highway before heading back. As I was on the way back tonight, I was absolutely exhausted, literally using every last bit of energy in my body. I was probably about 100 meters away from the street that leads into my area when I saw three women by the crossing. Two were tall, skinny, and wearing high heels, while one was in a wheelchair and quite a bit chubbier. They had their backs to me, so I couldn’t see them clearly, but the fact that one was in a wheelchair intrigued me greatly, because, after all, it’s rare to see a young woman in a wheelchair.
At that moment, I was about to take a rest because I was completely knackered. But if I rested, I would risk missing the chance to see the woman in the wheelchair up close. And there was always a possibility she could be a double above-knee amputee. What a sight that would be! This thought spurred me on, and I sprinted up to the crossing. I thought it was unlikely—almost impossible, I mused—but as I came closer, I began to notice more details, although she was still facing the other direction. From behind, I could see the footrest on her wheelchair and... there was a gap! A golden gap! No feet, no toes, no ankles—nothing! Wow! Still, I thought she probably had some form of legs, even if they were small or deformed.
Then I approached the crossing and swung my head down to see her. Now I could clearly see: she had no legs! Absolutely none! No knees, and it looked to me like she barely had any thighs. She was definitely a bilateral high above-knee amputee, or possibly even a bilateral hip disarticulation amputee. She was one of those amputees who looked glued to her chair, as if it barely left her because she depended on it so much. I couldn’t believe my luck! I was planning to go the other way, but I had to see more. Immediately, I had a huge boner, so I ran into a side street next to the road they were on.
I walked along across from them for a while, listening to their chatter—disguised by the trees in between. One of the women with legs had taken to pushing the legless girl’s wheelchair, and they seemed to be giggling about it. I thought about following them some more and getting a picture, but that would have been very creepy. Instead, I waited for them to pass and got one more glimpse of the woman pushing her legless body up the street. I went and sat down on a wall to gather my thoughts. Who was this woman? I immediately began searching terms like "double above-knee amputee," "legless woman," and "woman with no legs" along with the name of my city to try to find any information about her. But alas, nothing. Still, the sight of her lives on in my memory, and I hope one day to see her legless body once more.
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